Please Read…
Luke 14:12-23
“The greatest revival is always among
empty vessels. Those who consider themselves
to be filled don’t thirst for more.
In most churches Christians spend too much
time filling themselves.
We must be careful not to become addicted
to the self-gratification of our senses when
there are so many empty vessels waiting
to be filled.”
Written By: Tommy Barnett
William Booth the founder of the Salvation
Army…had a son, named Bromwell….
Bromwell told his dad about men sleeping
under bridges in London.
Rev. Booth responded to his son’s announcement
with one simple reply….
“Why don’t you do something about it.”
Pastor Tommy Barnett refers to people in need as….
“Miracles in waiting.”
Pastor Barnett looks at people in need as assets
not burdens.
He often confronts the Christian church members
about the issue of Class Consciousness among
One of my favorite quotes from him is….
“When we care for the poor and powerless
God blesses us with the prominent and
One of the best books I have ever had the honor to read
is by Pastor Tommy Barnett
“There’s A Miracle In Your House”
God’s Solution Starts With What
You Have……
This book is extremely easy to read and
easy to understand.
It is loaded with Biblical examples of how to
overcome problems in our daily lives as well as
a great lesson on community evangelism.
I first read this book in the mid ‘90’s….
It impacted me greatly back then….
After my divorce in 2013 I was spinning
around with no direction, feeling hopeless,
lost, scared, rejected and alone.
I was still grieving so deeply for my daughter
who had been killed in Dec. 2008….
I just couldn’t believe the love of my life was
having an affair and leaving me…after 32
years of marriage, over 20 years of ministry
together….I was just devastated!!!!!!!
My life was spinning completely out of
The only thing I had going for me was God!!!
And I know that He is all I need, ever!!!!
So, I began to really seek God during these
dark days in my life.
I knew that God had birthed in me this great
hunger and thirst to see women rescued,
healed, delivered and discipled into God’s
Holiness…..I had been ministering for 20
years….but I just felt lost.
It was like walking up Mount Everest
with 10 tons of chains wrapped around
my body pulling me into a spiritual
quicksand. I was suffocating.
But I still would not allow myself to
give up NWFCIM, no matter what I was
going through personally.
One day I was going through my personal
library to find a book to read. I wasn’t really
looking for any one author or title….just
aimlessly looking….kinda like being in a
My eyes landed on Bro. Barnett’s book I had
read all those years ago…..
I remember slowly reaching for it, and
slowly opening it up to the contents page…
as I slowly scanned the chapter titles, I
began to come out of this sluggishness.
I called a close friend and told her I
would like for us to do a Bible study
together using this book.
We began that very day.
And WOW!!!!!!!!!
Did God show up…..Oh Yeah, Baby…..He sure did!!!!!!
In a big way.
I began to see a few select souls that God
was directing me to. I could see women of all ages
being held captive in jails and prisons all
over the United States.
I could hear their cries of desperation….
some cussing and screaming….
others crying themselves to sleep in total
God directed me to some ministries in the Middle East…
I began ministering online to these precious souls….
Then my computer completely crashed, it died, bad!
Kicked the bucket and looked like it could not be
resurrected ever again….I was devastated!!!!!
I had no way of replacing it or even
to try to have it repaired…..
So I reached my friends and ask for them to help
me pray this through.
And God sent someone special to repair it for free!!!!!!!!!!!!
And yes, it was resurrected from death!!!!
It took several months and a lot of prayer.
But I got it back.
God began birthing in me in the late ’90’s that I was
to write books….I really did not want to be a writer…
I really did not think that I had anything to say…
nor did I think that anyone would be interested in
what I might have to say.
He told me to write my Auto-Biography…..I was not
wanting to face that nightmare again….so I ran from
that…Then I would write a little…then rip it to shreds….
then a few years later I would write a few chapters….
then shred that one too….
What I did not realize, was God was using those times
of writing to heal a very deep broken heart I suffered
from. At first it was like a old country song….
“Somebody did me wrong” song….”crying in my beer” song…..
Then God began to show me a different way to see
my upbringing…..
God began to show me that He allowed me to go through
all the abuse and pain so that I could reach hurting
women who have suffered similar fates.
When I write now, I write with a joy in my heart.
I write with love and forgiveness in my heart.
I write for the joy of knowing that somewhere
out there, there is someone who needs to hear
the message God gave me.
I look for empty vessels every where I go.
I look in the eyes of women who are smiling
and I see past the fake smiles and see the pain
they hide.
I have dedicated my life to seeing women as
precious souls, not whores and drug addicts
or rich spoiled divas…..
Women are special to God!!!
And it is time that each precious young
girl and each woman young or old
understands that God loves them very
very much.
And God has a plan for their personal
No God is not going to make every person
a millionaire…..
But He has a purpose for each and every
He has a divine appointment for each
person on this great earth.
Please….help me look for empty, hurting,
lost vessels.
God has some love to share with them.
Let’s fill heaven with saved and delivered
souls….instead of sitting back letting
hell fill to the rim with lost souls.
I am looking for women who really want to see
souls saved.
I am looking for 1000 sold–out women of God
who will be willing to pray with NWFCIM
and help us get where God is leading us…
Will you join us?
Will you pray for us?
Will you ask God how you can help us?
Thank you so much for hearing my heart today.
I pray that it is a blessing to you, dear one.
I love you dearly.
Evg. Sherrill McDonald