Message—-April 14, 2015

Lately the Lord has been talking to me about
His desire to flood His followers (His people
Jew and Gentile) with Holy Ghost Fire. 

The Lord has been explaining to me that
the reason there is no power in our churches
today, is because we are working in our 
natural abilities and not leaning on His 
Supernatural Gifts to do His Kingdom
work on this earth. 

There are very few Christian Churches that
are walking in His full favor. 

There are very few men and women that 
are praying constantly, seeking God’s 
perfect will for their own life. 

There are very few men and women 
ministers that are yielding to God’s 
Holy Spirit for His knowledge, 
understanding and Holy Wisdom to
lead their ministries into Supernatural 
victory and overflow favor. 

Jesus told us that if the world hated Him,
persecuted Him…then the world would 
hate us and persecute us……We are 
a pleasure seeking people…..We want 
blessings and favor from God without
yielding or obeying Him. 

We are ignoring Matthew 6:33 and many 
other key scriptures that is calling us to

We want all the blessings and no suffering. 

How sad that is…..we go to church and we 
put on fake smiles and tell lies to one another
about how wonderful our lives are. 
When in reality, we are living our lives in
disobedience, full of pain, sorrow, and lies. 

And because we are doing these things….
we are helping to destroy God’s purpose for 
our own life and the lives of those around us.

God’s work is being destroyed, not by the enemies 
of God…but by God’s disobedient children!!!!!!!

God is calling His people to become 
warriors for righteousness! 

God is calling His people to Holiness!

God is calling His people to fight the 
good fight of faith!

God is calling His people to PRAYER!

God is calling His people to Obedience!

God is calling His people to Holy Righteousness!

God is calling Soldout Believers to be 
a part of this Supernatural EndTime 
Harvest Work! 

God will Pour out His Holy Spirit onto 
each precious Soul that is willing to 
Yield and Obey His Holy Commands, 
Directions, Corrections, and Purpose.

God is very unhappy with the debates between
the socalled Christian Denominations….

He is dismayed at how His children are constantly
arguing about who is the most holy…who is the 
most correct in the interpretations of His Holy 

God is very displeased with our arrogance 
and vanity. 

God is very displeased with the showmanship
of His people.

God is very dismayed at our disobedience

God is calling His People to RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!!!!!!

God has been talking to me about this message
for about a year now. This message is being 
formed into a book titled…..

“God Is Calling His Children To Holy Ghost Fire
 and Holy Righteousness”  

I will be going into great detail in this new book on this 
subject matter. Make no mistake, I am not a Bible scholar!
But I am a soldout yielded vessel, willing to do what God
is calling me to do. I will say what He lays on my heart, 
no matter what….

Each born again believer and follower of Jesus Christ 
should be willing to go where He leads, do what He tells us to do
 and to say what the Holy Spirit tells us to say……

God is willing to pour out His Holy Spirit unto all His 
children, Jew and Gentile…..but He is looking for 
sold out believers that truly love Him and trust Him. 

I hope that it will be a blessing to all who read it.

Evg. Sherrill McDonald 


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