“Present-day wickedness,
apostasy and modern
civilization cannot prevent
Written By: John R. Rice
“Only a love for the truth and a
willingness to do what the Word
of God says will preserve us from
the apostasy that Scripture tells
us will overtake the world.”
Written By: T. A. McMahon
OH Saints; my heart is so heavy as God is
revealing to me the mass exodus from
holiness around the world.
Oh yes, there are many souls being saved
LAMB OF GOD for this wonderful and
But I MUST STRESS to you that there are
many, many, many souls walking away
from their faith in Christ Jesus!!!!!
Many who were saved are backsliding
and walking head long into personal
Apostasy means—–turn away,
abandonment, withdrawal, defection,
rebellion, & falling away.
Rebellion is the same as witchcraft
in the eyes of God.
Many go to church every single Sunday
or as often as they can.
Many are Sunday School Teachers,
Youth Leaders, Music Directors, Elders,
Deacons, and, yes, even Pastors and
Some of these souls have been going
to church their whole life……
Many of the ones that are walking away
from their faith are living a double life.
These souls are great actors and actresses….
they are able to act the part, dress the part,
and speak the part of a saved follower
of Jesus Christ in public….
However, in their private life….
many are angry, bitter and deceived souls….
some are addicted to alcohol, drugs,
Some of them are liars…
Some are child and spouse abusers….
Some are committing adultery…..
Some of them are filled with hate
and unforgiveness…..
Some of them are gossipers….
And some of them are practicing
witchcraft and are involved in
the occult and New Age practices…..
What ever the reasons that soul may have
for walking away from his/her belief and
trust in Jesus Christ does not matter….
What ever the sin is….it does not matter….
What matters is if we as true believers
reach out to them in love and help
pray them through their issues.
James 5:19-20 NIV
“My brothers, if one of you should
wander from the truth and someone
should bring him back, remember this:
Whoever turns a sinner from the error
of his way will save him from death
and cover over a multitude of sins.”
This scripture is not talking about a physical
death…no, we all are appointed once to die
this scripture is talking about a spiritual
death…a death that will separate one precious
soul from Jesus Christ for all eternity!!!
This is a death like no other, this is a spiritual
judgement that sends that soul to hell and
damnation for all eternity!!!!! To be tormented
by Satan and his demons….to be surrounded
by fire that will burn that soul for all eternity.
Ask God to bless you with the gift of discernment,
so that you may see the souls in your
church that are in need of a special healing
touch from the Master’s Hands….
Ask God to bless you with the ability to
love that person back into the LOVING
Commit to praying for your pastor,
church leaders and fellow saints
Love each other!
Pray for one another!
Learn to Listen with your heart,
soul and spirit…..
We hear all the time…
We read all the time….
“don’t air your drama”
“get the negative people
out of your life”
I am so glad that Jesus did not
walk away from the negative
people….or complain when
someone needed a listening ear
because of life’s dramas!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love does not erase people from
your life!
Love reaches out and prays for them,
encourages them and works with them…
even if it means that person is like a
bottomless pit of despair!!!!!!!!!!
Love shares God’s Holy Anointed Word
with that hurting and lost soul.
I pray that this message touches your heart
May God bless each of you with a touch
of healing from the Master’s loving and
merciful Hands today.
May God bless you with a special friend
that is willing to listen to your heart’s pain…
and not complain about your life’s dramas.
Evg. Sherrill A. McDonald