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I am so excited to join with my ministry team here at Noble Women for Christ International Ministries in announcing to you, our friends and fans, that we are now a registered non-profit charity in the state of Oklahoma, USA. This is such a big step for us as a ministry, and we are delighted to share this moment with you all. Every day we are so amazed at the very real impact that God is allowing us to make in the lives of so many people around the world. And we feel in our spirit, and in our heart, that God wants us to take this next step in outreach and accountability.

We believe that God is also directing us to step out in faith, and ask if you would pray about joining with us on a deeper level. We need your continued prayers, as well as your support. We believe God has ordained a group of people who will support us by blessing us with $25, $50, or more, each month. We cannot do this ministry at the level God is calling us to without you, your prayers, and your support.

Your monthly gift to Noble Women for Christ International Ministries will enable us to share God’s love by allowing us toPresent Bibles to women’s prisons, and to new believers as we disciple women.

Your monthly gift will allow us toProvide Teddy Bears (12″-14″ tall) and age-appropriate Bibles to children in orphanages, hospitals, and various trauma situations.

Your monthly gift will allow us toPartner with other established ministries who provide pure drinking water, disaster relief, food, clothing, medicine, and shelter to those in need.

Your monthly gift to Noble Women For Christ International Ministries will allow us toPartner with other established ministries who rescue victims of slavery and the sex trade industry.

Your monthly gift will help us toComplete the process of obtaining our 501(c)3, the federal non-profit certification with the IRS.

Your monthly gift to Noble Women For Christ International Ministries will help us toFaithfully pour into souls, for the glory of God and His Son Jesus Christ.

So, we ask you, will you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly partner with Noble Women For Christ International Ministries? Your “YES” would be an incredible answer to prayer. Our outreach has grown tremendously, but so has our financial need to match this growth.

Please pray and ask God what He would have you do. It may be a great step of faith for you — but God’s Word is clear, we are to go and share the good news of Jesus Christ with the lost and hurting of our world. We are to show the love of God in a very real and tangible way.

Remember this Kingdom principle: What you do for others, God will make happen for you (Luke 6:38). Whether you can help us financially or not – know that you are important to us and we value your prayers and friendship.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25:35-36

To give a gift to this ministry, please send your check, money order, or certified check to: Noble Women For Christ International Ministries, P.O. Box 91, Walters, Oklahoma 73572, USA. Gifts by credit or debit card, or direct bank transfer, may be made through our PayPal account, which will be announced in a separate post, with complete instructions.

Your gift to our ministry is now fully tax-deductible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your prayers and support. Please know that each friend, fan, and partner is so very important to us. My team and I, at NWFCIM, love you and pray for you daily. We greatly appreciate your prayers, your time, and your support.  We praise God for each one of you. Thank you all for celebrating this important milestone with us! And thank you for your continued prayers with this new outreach.


Love, friendship, and prayers,

Evangelist Sherrill A. McDonald

Founder and President

Noble Women For Christ International Ministries


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