Daily Quote—Feb 19, 2015

“With the blessing of El Saddai
upon me, I have nothing to fear
because He will deliver me from 
the hands of my enemies. I will
walk in His Almighty Power and 
draw what I need from Him”

 “If God’s people will line 
themselves up in their faith,
 dare to believe His word,
 take it, and do it, then there
 is coming for them a miracle
 of debt-cancellation.” 

Written By: Morris Cerullo


“The answer to a desperate need came 
from a ‘Miracle in the House.’
Miracles are not magic—but 
multiplication. Obedience to His word
and faith in His promises put what we 
have into the Lord’s hands so it can
be multiplied. The miracle occurs. 
Just as the farmer must not eat the 
seed, so we must sow the seed and 
look for Him to multiply it. 
Bring what we have to the Lord to use
and multiply is as true for us today
as it was for the two widows. This 
is a law of the Kingdom. Jesus said…”
Luke 6:38
1 Kings 17:13-16
2 Kings 4:1-7

Written By: Tommy Barnett


“Spend and God will send.”

  Unknown Author



I have learned that God really does 
expect His tithe and offerings from 
His children. 
God expects us to give unto the 
government what we owe…
God expects us to pay all our debts.
God expects us to give to the poor.
God expects us to give to the 
widows and orphans. 
God expects us to give of our
selves physically, mentally,
emotionally, financially and 
God expects each of us to look 
out for our fellow mankind. 
God demands that we honor
Him by our generous gifts. 
I have learned that I can not 
out give God, no matter 
how hard I try. 
The one area that God tells us 
that we can test Him in …. is 
in our giving. 
Do you give to God? 
Do you willingly and 
cheerfully give your tithes
and offerings to God? 
If you do not…..I would like to 
challenge You to test God in
this area of your life. 
And watch God pour out 
extreme blessings in all 
areas of your life. 
Do you need a miracle in
your life today. 
Seek God’s promises out 
and begin to apply God’s 
word to your situation…..
God can not lie, His word
can not come back void…
and God is willing to bless you
when you align your life up
to God’s holiness. 
No, you can not buy a miracle. 
No, you can not buy God. 
But You can, by faith, bless 
God with your giving, and 
in return….God will bless 

Evg. Sherrill A. McDonald 


Daily Scripture—Feb 19, 2015

2 Chronicles 31:10 NIV 
“And Azariah the Chief Priest, 
from the family of Zadok, 
Since the people began to 
bring their contributions
to the temple of the Lord, 
we have had enough to eat
and plenty to spare, because
the Lord has blessed His
people, and this great amount
is left over.” 

2 Chronicles 31:10 KJV
“And Azariah the Chief Priest 
of the house of Zadok 
answered him, and said, 
Since the people began to bring
the offerings into the house of 
the Lord, we have had enough
to eat, and have left plenty; 
for the Lord hath blessed His
people; and that which is
left is this great store.” 


Malachi 3:10 NIV
“Bring the whole tithe into
the storehouse, that there
may be food in my house. 
TEST ME in this, says
and see if I will not 
throw open the 
floodgates of heaven 
and pour out so much 
blessing that there 
will not be room enough
to store it.” 

Malachi 3:10 KJV
“Bring ye all the tithes 
into the storehouse, that 
there may be meat in mine
house, and prove me now 
herewith, saith the Lord 
of Hosts, if I will not open 
you the windows of 
heaven, and pour you out
a blessing, that there shall
not be room enough to 
receive it.”
