Daily Scripture—Feb 13, 2015

Micah 6:6 & 8 NIV

“With what shall I come before
the Lord and bow down before
the exalted God? 
Shall I come before Him with
burnt offerings, with 
calves a year old?……

He has shown you, O Mortal, 
what is good. And what does 
the Lord require of you? 

To ACT JUSTLY and to 
LOVE MERCY and to 
your God.”

Micah 6: & 8 KJV

“Wherewith shall I come
before the Lord, and bow
myself before the High
God? Shall I come before
Him with burnt offerings,
with calves of a year old? 

He hath hewed thee, O man, 
what is good; and what doth
the Lord require of thee, but
to DO JUSTLY, and to 
LOVE MERCY, and to
thy God.” 


The following scriptures also talk about being 
humble before the Lord. 

2 Samuel 22:28 
2 Chronicles 7:14
Psalms 18:27
Psalms 25:9
Psalms 147:6
Psalms 149: 4
Daniel 10:12
Zephaniah 2:3
Matthew 23:12
Luke 1:48
Ephesians 4:2
James 4:6 & 10
1 Peter 3:8
1 Peter 5:5 & 6

God is calling His people Jew and Gentile to Humble ourselves. 
God is calling His people to love one another. 
God is calling His people to have mercy on each other. 
God is calling His people to live as examples of Christ Jesus 
to this unsaved world. 


Daily Prayer—Feb 12, 2015

Dearest Heavenly Father;

Lord, help me to always see the
importance of a generous heart.
Lord, help me to always see
others needs more important
than my own.
Lord, give me the ability to
give of myself….
and spiritually.
Father, I want to always be the
kind of Christian that sees a
persons needs and give a helping hand
 with love, compassion and mercy….
 no matter what that need may be….
no matter why they are in that
I want to love my fellow mankind.
I want to have compassion for those
who are hurting.
I want to be Jesus to those who do
not know Jesus.
I want to be able to feed the hungry,
cloth those in need of clothes,
shelter those who need shelter,
all the while….sharing Jesus
through my actions, not so much
my words.
Thank You, Father for hearing my
deepest spiritual desires today.
I will rejoice and be glad in this
day, for You are worthy of my
I love you, Jesus!
I praise Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus!
You are worthy of so much more
than my limited vocabulary and
talents can offer….
But I offer myself to You anyway….
I offer my words of adoration
and hope that they are a blessing
to Your heart.
Thank You, God for seeing me
as someone worthy of Your time.
Thank You, God for seeing me
as a person that has something to
offer this world.
Thank You, God for seeing me
as Your child.
In the Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus Christ
I Pray Amen and Amen

Daily Quote—Feb 12, 2015

“To ease another’s
 heartache is to forget
 one’s own.”

Written By: Abraham Lincoln


“You can give without loving,
 but you cannot love
 without giving.” 

Written By: Amy Carmichael


“Give according to your income, 
lest God make your income
 according to your giving.”

Unknown Author


I have learned that giving is the only
way to receive

Giving becomes a joy when giving from 
the heart.

No matter how poor a person is….
if that person gives of ones self, 
and of ones own talents….
the giving becomes an avenue
to receive blessings in return. 

God is looking for a cheerful 
giver….not a miser who pinches
pennies and is greedy.
God is looking for people who 
are willing to give……
time, ones talents,  as well as 
When a person learns the 
spiritual laws of Sowing 
and Reaping, it opens the
door for Gods favor in that
persons life.  

Evg. Sherrill A. McDonald 


Daily Scripture—Feb 12, 2015

Luke 6:38 NIV

“Give, and it will be given
to you. A good mearsure,
pressed down, shaken
together and running over,
will be poured into your
lap. For with the measure
you use, it will be
measured to you.”

Luke 6:38 KJV

“Give, and it shall be given
unto you; good measure,
pressed down, and shaken
together, and running over,
shall men give into your
bosom. For with the same
measure that ye mete
withal it shall be
measured to you again.”


Daily Prayer—Feb 11, 2015

Dearest Heavenly Father;
Thank You for loving me
so much!

I have learned today that You
truly desire to help me in all
areas of my life.

I know if I put my hope and faith
in You, then I will be an overcomer.

I know if I trust You with all my
life’s issues…then You will guide
me and direct me.

I know if I trust You, no
weapon will prosper against

Father, I know that Your
word tells me that I must
forgive to be forgiven…
I must seek first Your
I must trust and obey.
I must read and study Your
Holy Words.
I must apply Your word
to my situations with
full faith, no doubt,
no fear and total trust.

I rejoice in this revelation

Thank You, my Lord, for
revealing the true secret of
success to me today.

Father, You are my

Lord, thank You for blessing
me with the faith to become
and overcomer.

Lord, thank You for blessing
me with Your Holy Instructions.

Lord, help me to apply Your
Holy Anointed Words to each
and every circumstance or storm
that arises in my life.

I ask that You, my King help me
yield only to the Holy Spirit’s
direction, correction, and

Thank You, Father for hearing my
heart’s desire today….to walk by
faith, not by sight.

In the Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus Christ I Pray
Amen and Amen


Daily Quote—Bonus—February 11, 2015

“God has given us prayer as a wartime walkie-talkie
 so that we can call headquarters for everything we
 need as the kingdom of Christ advances in the world.
 Prayer gives us the significance of front-line forces,
 and gives God the glory of a limitless Provider. 
The one who gives the power gets the glory.
 Thus prayer safeguards the supremacy of God in
 missions while linking us with endless grace for
 every need.

 Written By: John Piper


“Christ will always accept the
 faith the puts its trust in Him.”

 Written By Andrew Murray


“Talk what we will of faith,
 if we do not trust and rely
 upon Him,
 we do not believe in Him.”
 Written By: Antony Farindon
God Desires to Provide for Us Daily
God desires to provide for His precious
If we lean on the Lord each day
in every way and for all things
then we will become overcomers.
We must desire to allow God to work 
His loving kindness in us and
 through us. 
We must desire to yield and obey His
instructions and disciplines no matter
how small or easy or how big or difficult
the task maybe.
We have to listen, apply and obey…
God wants us to know that He loves
us so very very much…..He wants us to
know that He is here for us in every way
every second of everyday, 
God desires to protect us, 
God desires to provide for us
according to HIS RICHES IN 
God wants to guide and direct 
our footsteps,
God wants to teach us His ways, 
God wants to heal us from any
 sickness that comes against us.
God tells us that no weapon formed
against us will prosper….that is 
if we trust Gods word is true. 
RIGHTEOUSNESS! (Matthew 6:33)
In 2 Kings 4:1-7 we are told a story about 
a woman that had lost her husband and was
left in debt…..she had very few choices….
She could have done nothing….If she had 
done nothing….her sons would have been
taken into slavery by her husbands creditors. 
But this lady loved her sons very very much. 
She also TRUSTED God to help her. 
She CHOSE to go talk to the man of God….
She CHOSE to ASK for His advice….
She CHOSE to FOLLOW His instructions to 
the letter! 
Because she LISTENED and she FOLLOWED
each INSTRUCTION to the letter…..
God SAW her FAITH,
God ACTED on her behalf because of her
God PROVIDED for ALL her families NEEDS through
Do you need a miracle today?
The answer to what ever you need
today is in Gods word. 
Seek His answer to your problems. 
If you do not know how to look it up…
ask a man or woman of God for help. 
Then put all your trust and faith in
what God says in His word….
follow His instructions to the letter….
And watch God work a beautiful 
Miracle in your life.
God bless you dear ones 😀 
Evg. Sherrill A. McDonald 

Daily Scripture—Feb 11, 2015

2 Kings 4:1-7 NIV

“The wife of a man from the company 
of the prophets cried out to Elisha, 
Your servant my husband is dead, and 
you know that he revered the Lord. But 
now his creditor is coming to take my 
two boys as his slaves.

Elisha replied to her, How can I help you?
Tell me, what do you have in your house?

Your servant has nothing there at all, 
she said, except a small jar of olive oil.

Elisha said, Go around and ask all your
neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for 
just a few. 


Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is 
filled, put it to one inside.

She left him and shut the door behind her
and her sons. They brought the jars to her 
and she kept pouring.

When all the jars were full, she said to her son,
Bring me another one. But he replied, There
is not a jar left.


She went and told the man of God, and he
said, GO, SELL THE OIL and pay
your debts. You and your sons can live on 
what is left.” 


Daily Prayer—Feb 10, 2015

Dearest Heavenly Father;

Today I want to rededicate my
life to You, my Lord.
Today I want to recommit
my life to Your Kingdom
purpose for me.
Today I desire to seek Your
purpose and direction for
the rest of my life.
Today I desire to become
more Christ like.
Today I desire to love
as Jesus loves.
Today I desire to forgive
others as Jesus forgave me.
Today I desire to humble
myself in all I do.
Today I desire to yield to
the Holy Spirit’s direction.
Today I seek the Holy
Spirit’s Wisdom.
Today I seek a closer
walk with You,
Holy Father.
Today I want to begin
praising You, Jesus,
from the first mornings
light and all through the
darkest night.
Today I begin a fresh and
new commitment to be
a doer, not just a dreamer.
Today I commit to using all
the gifts and talents that You,
my Father, have birthed in
me at my creation.
I hope that my life,
my actions,
my thoughts,
my words
are, and always will be,
a blessing to You,
Holy Father.
Thank You, Father, for
hearing my deepest heart’s
In the Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus Christ I Pray
amen and amen

Devotional—Feb 10, 2015

Commitment in Adversity

When I made a  commitment to marry a preacher, 
it was with joy, excitement and the dream of serving
God with all my heart.

Up to that point, I had experienced good health, success, 
achievement, praise and gratitude. I had every reason
to expect that a life of ministry would mean more of the
same—plus greater joy and usefulness….

I was not prepared for serious and debilitating illness, 
the miscarriage of a baby, the trauma of a financially 
troubled church and personal attacks from the 
family of faith.

Within one of my husband’s sermons, I found a 
nugget of hope: 

“Our adversities are God’s universities.” 

The adversities drove me to God, and God had what 
I needed to endure and fulfill the commitment I 
had made. 

In Ruth 1:16-17 the innocent young widow Ruth 
expressed her passionate and devoted love for her old 
and bitter Mother-in-law. 
It was not Naomi’s beauty, wealth or even joyfulness
that drew Ruth to her, for all of these had long since
fallen away.

Rather, it was Naomi’s Faith in the Living God, 
her Spiritual Wisdom, and her consistent piety that 
bound the young pagan widow to her. Ruth made a 
Commitment to travel, live and pursue life with 
Naomi, to Accept her God and even to die and be 
buried in Naomi’s homeland.

 Her commitment was not just with loving words
 and well-meaning feelings, as her sister-in-law
 Orpah (Ruth 1:14), but with purposeful love and
devoted deeds. 

Commitment must be fueled not merely by head 
knowledge but also by heart determination. 
Ruth had nothing to offer to Naomi or to God
but herself, and that she gave willingly and 

Every woman, whatever her circumstances or position, 
has at least that to give the Savior, and it is enough!

Written By: Dorothy Patterson


Daily Quote—Feb 10, 2015

“The cross is the greatest example
of humility and devotion in the universe.
Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. 
He considered you more valuable
than Himself.” 

Written By: Chip Ingram


“I should as soon expect a farmer to
 prosper in business who contented himself
 with sowing his fields and never looking
 at them till harvest,
 as expect a believer to attain much holiness
 who was not diligent about his Bible reading,
 his prayers, and the use of his Sundays.”

Written By: J. C. Ryle


“Cast not away your confidence because
 God defers His performances.
 That which does not come in your time,
 will be hastened in His time,
 which is always the more convenient season.
 God will work when He pleases,
 how He pleases,
 and by what means He pleases. 
He is not bound to keep our time,
 but He will perform his word,
 honour our faith,
 and reward them that diligently seek Him.”

“The first lesson in Christ’s
 school is self-denial.”

Written By: Matthew Henry


“I take the love of God and
 self-denial to be the sum 
of all saving grace.”

Written By: Richard Baxter


Following Jesus is not always
Following Jesus is not always
Following Jesus is not always
Following Jesus is not always
a popular decision.

Following Jesus is often a 
daily challenge. 
Following Jesus is often a 
test of self-discipline, 
self-denial, self-control. 
Following Jesus is often a 
test of will…..
giving into self willfulness, 
or giving into Gods Holy

Following Jesus is often 
a very lonely road to 

We must ask ourselves 
every single morning when 
we rise with the sun…..

Am I willing to follow Jesus
today no matter where He
leads, even if it means taking
me out of my comfort zones? 

What is your answer today? 

Evg. Sherrill McDonald 
