Message—-April 18, 2015

Work Miracles or Don’t Work Miracles…..
To Be or Not To Be…..

Acts 8:6 KJV
“And the people with one
accord gave heed unto
those things which 
Philip spake, hearing and 
seeing the miracles which 
he did.” 

Acts 8:6 NIV
“When the crowds heard
Philip and saw the signs 
he performed, they all
paid close attention to
what he said.” 

Hebrews 2:4 KJV
“God also bearing them witness,
both with signs and wonders,
and with divers miracles,
and gifts of the Holy Ghost,
according to His own will.”

Hebrews 2:4 NIV
“God also testified to it 
by signs, wonders and 
various miracles, and 
by gifts of the Holy 
Spirit distributed 
according to His will.” 

Above are just 2 examples of God 
working miracles through His 
children in the beginning of the 
New Testament Church….

These early churches were
more like street ministries than
organized services.

People were saved, delivered, healed 
and fed. Miracles happened a lot. 
There were no doubts in the hearts 
and minds of the original men and 
women of God. They knew that God’s 
power was real. They desired, hungered,
and thirsted after God, His 
Righteousness and His Holy 
Supernatural Power. 

“In the making of every miracle are
Faith, Obedience and the Willingness
to take a risk. These represent for
you the three hurdles that you must
overcome: Doubt, Fear, and thinking
you know it all.” 
Written By: Tommy Barnett

If God is the same yesterday, today
and forever…. then the modern 
day church has no excuse for not 
seeing miracles in their congregations.

No excuses, except being more worldly
than holy.
More legalistic than faithful.
More manmade doctrine based than
Biblically based teachings. 
More seekerfriendly and politicallycorrect

instead of seeking God and 
His Righteousness.

We are a very self-centered, and selfish 
We seek and demand instant gratification. 
We want miracles and blessings from
God, without repentance, prayer,
listening, yielding, and obeying 
what God tells us to do in His Holy
Anointed Word. 
We make idols out of pop stars, 
sports stars and other type of celebrities, 
as well as ourselves.
Idolsimply means anything we put above
We put ourselves and our fleshly desires
above God and What God wants.

“I suppose it would be much easier
to reduce everything to formulas, but
that’s not how it works with God….
If there is any formula….at all…..
it is that Obedience to the Lord
is the Essential Ingredient for the 
Making of a Miracle.” 
Written By: Tommy Barnett

God created miracles from Genesis to Revelation….

Genesis and Exodus are full of Miracles
2 Chronicles 7:14
2 Chronicles 20:1-30

Matthew, Luke, John and Acts are full of 
Miracle after Miracle

Do yourself a favor and look up the Miracles 
in both the Old and New Testaments. See for
yourself how God desires to bless His children
with safety, health, love, food, shelter as well
as prosperity….
See for yourself how God longs to have a 
one on one relationship with His children.  

God is willing to use each of us…..if we will 
seek Him. 
Matthew 6:33 KJV
“But seek ye first the Kingdom
of God, and His righteousness;
and all these things shall be 
added unto you.” 

John 14:12 KJV
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, 
He that believeth on Me, the
works that I do shall he do also;
and greater works than these
shall he do; because I go 
unto the Father.”  

From Genesis to Revelation God is calling 
His people, Jew and Gentile alike, to Holiness. 

God is looking for soldout believers.
God is looking for surrendered believers.
God is looking for humble but bold 
God is looking for repented believers.
God is looking for faithful believers.
God is looking for prayer warriors.
God is looking for devoted followers.
God is looking for determined followers. 

God is looking for men, women and even
children who trust in Him and believe His 
Holy Promises. 
God is looking for followers who are willing
 to go out and Pour out into the community
the Holy Anointing from the Holy 
Not just preaching the gospel…but living 
the gospel. 
God is looking for modern day men and 
women to go forth teaching, preaching the 
gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as walking 
in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 
With souls being saved, delivered, healed,
fed, clothed, discipled.

Joel 2:28 KJV
“And it shall come to pass afterward, 
that I will pour out My Spirit upon
all flesh; and your sons and your 
daughters shall prophesy, your
old men shal dream dreams, your
young men shall see visions.” 

Acts 2:17 KJV
“And it shall come to pass in the last
days, saith God, I will pour out of My 
Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons
and your daughters shall prophesy, 
and your young men shall see visions, 
and your old men shall dream dreams.” 

Are you willing to seek out God’s Righteousness
and His Spiritual purpose for your life?

Are you willing to let go of your selfish desires
and seek out God’s Holy Will for your life?

Are you willing to let go of self and seek God 
through Fasting and Prayer?

Will you allow God to use you as a Holy Vessel
to pray for hurting and sick souls? 

Will you be a willing vessel for the Holy
Spirit to work through? 

My prayer for you today is simply this…..
Let Go and Let God!
That there will be less of you and more
of Jesus!
That you fall in love with Jesus so much
that you can’t help but share Him with 
everyone you come into contact with.
That you hunger and thirst for righteousness. 
That you become a vessel filled with the
Holy Spirit walking in all the Spiritual 

Much love and prayers to each of you dear ones. 

Evg. Sherrill McDonald 


Daily Prayer—Feb 18, 2015

Dearest Heavenly Father; 

Lord, You have revealed to me that 
I, too, have been called to share Jesus 
with others. 

Lord, You have revealed to me that 
it is not my Pastor’s job to do all 
the witnessing and ministering. 

Lord, You have revealed to me that 
I am meant to love those that the 
world throws away. 

Lord, You have revealed to me that 
You want me to seek to be more 
Christlike in my daily walk.

Lord, You have ask the question….

“whom shall I send?” 

Father, I answer…..send me Lord!”

Lord, You do not call those who are 
equipped to do great things….

Lord, You equip the willing and 
yielding saints to do Your Holy
Kingdom’s work as You desire.

Lord, thank You for showing me that
I, too, with all my flaws and weaknesses,
am called to share Jesus with my 
fellow mankind. 

Holy Father, help me to seek first 
Your righteousness

Holy Father, bless me with Your
Holy Wisdom to walk by faith,
not by sight. 

Father, bless me with Holy 
discernment to know who is
around me that needs the 
love of Christ in their life. 

Lord, direct my footsteps to 
the person today that needs 
a hug from You, my King. 

Father, show me how to pray 
for those who are hurting and lost.

Lord, show me how to be a better
witness for You, my Lord. 

Lord, show me, guide me into 
the spiritual purpose of my life. 

Lord, reveal to me the reason 
You created me. 

Father, it is my prayer that I 
only yield to the Holy Spirit’s 

Lord, I pray that You write 
Your Holy Anointed Words 
on the tablets of my heart.
So that it may flow out of my
mouth and spirit as living 

God, my words can, and do,
come back void….
but Your words can never
come back void. 

Father, use me anyway You

I yield to You, my Lord. 
I submit to You, my King.
I surrender to Your purpose, 

Thank You, my Lord, for loving 
this world so much that You
allowed Jesus to die for us all. 

Lord, thank You for hearing my 
heart’s deepest desire today. 

Lord, I will praise You all the 
days of my life. 

Lord, it is my desire to be a 
blessing to You, my Lord and 

I pray that the works of my 
hands and the words from 
my mouth always honor 
You, Holy Father. 

May my life honor Jesus. 
May my life resemble 
my sweet Savior in all
I do. 

All honor, glory and praise 
I send to You, my King. 

In the Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus Christ I Pray
Amen and Amen 


Daily Quote—Feb 18, 2015

“Some people spend their whole
lives waiting for the perfect time
to do something. There’s rarely
a perfect time to do anything.” 

Written By: Daniel Kolenda


“I am convinced that every 
Christian has the innate desire
to do something great for God, 
to lay down at the foot of the 
cross the biggest gift he or she
possibly can…
I believe in people.” 

Written By: Tommy Barnett


Church never saved anyone! 
Has anyone died for you? 
My church cannot save me and 
your church cannot save you. 
This is because no church died
for us. No pope, no bishop, 
no pastor, no evangelist can 
save us, because none of them 
died for us. 
But here is the name of the one
who did die for us. 
His name is……
ONLY JESUS SAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Written By; Reinhard Bonnke


“In the next ten years there is going to be 
an abundance of needy people in our
and not just with financial needs. 
There will be divorce, broken homes;
incurable diseases like AIDS; 
all kinds of abuse, addictions and 
emotional problems; a growing
number of older people who need help;
and many with a general emptiness from
not knowing Jesus Christ as their Savior. 
What a great time and a great 
opportunity for the church. 
That’s our mission—
to show the LOVE, GRACE
and POWER of JESUS the the 
hurting world.”

“If God has truly given you a promise,
a vision, a gift or a ministry, you
don’t have to grasp for it. 
It is in His hands to bring it to pass.”

Written By: Tommy Barnett


God has called You to share Jesus

Ministry is not just for a few select 
men or women. 
It was never God’s desire to have 
super star ministries or churches. 
It was never God’s desire to just use 
a few to spread the gospel of 
Jesus Christ. 

It was never God’s desire to have 
thousands of different denominations
dividing the body of Christ. 
Each denomination has its own set of
Many are very similar
all of them think they are right….
God called you, me and every 
other man, woman and child 
from every tribe and nation
to share Jesus to this lost world.

God called each of us to love the 
hurting and lost. 
God called each of us to love 
with compassion.
God called each of us to love
with forgiveness in our hearts.
God called each of us to live 
our lives seeking to be more 
like Jesus in all we do. 

God called each of us to rescue
the lost. 
God called each of us to feed the 
God called each of us to shelter the 
God called each of us to take care 
of the widows, the disabled,
the elderly, and the orphans. 

God did not call you to attend church
every Sunday and ignore the needs of 
the world around you. 

Going to church does not make you
a faithful child of God! 
Your church activities does not 
make you Holy.

God is calling each of us to a deeper 
God is calling each of us to a deeper
commitment to serve Him. 
God wants to use you to pour out 
His Holy Love to those who do 
not know Him. 
God wants you to love the ones 
society has thrown away.

What are you willing to sacrifice
for Jesus today? 
What are you willing to do for 
God’s Kingdom today? 
Will you walk away from the 
world’s idea of a servant of 
God to become a warrior for
Jesus, like the original Disciples did?

Evg. Sherrill A. McDonald 


Daily Scripture—Feb 18, 2015

Acts 13:47 NIV
“For this is what the Lord has
commanded us: 
I have made you a light for 
the Gentiles, that you may 
bring salvation to the earth.” 

Acts 13:47 KJV
“For so hath the Lord 
commanded us, saying, 
I have set thee to be a 
light of the Gentiles, 
that thou shouldest be
for salvation unto the 
ends of the earth.” 


Daily Prayer—Feb 17, 2015

Dearest Heavenly Father, 

Lord, please forgive me for my
self indulgences

Lord, forgive me for not
resisting the enemy’
attempts to make me 

Lord, forgive me for seeking

Lord, forgive me for being 
selfcentered and selfish
in my life. 

Lord, forgive me for allowing
my flesh to rule my desires. 

Father, thank You for Your 
unconditional love. 

Father, thank You for Your
mercies that are renewed 
each and every morning. 

Father, thank You for 
Your grace. 

Lord, I love You! 
Lord, I praise You! 
Lord, I rest in Your Holy Embrace! 

Thank You for Your 
Holy Forgiveness. 

Thank You, Jesus, for loving me!
Thank You, Jesus, for saving me!
Thank You, Jesus, for seeing me 
as worthy of salvation! 

In the Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus Christ 
I Pray…Amen and Amen


Daily Quote—Bonus—February 17, 2015

“One great power of sin is that it blinds
 men so that they do not recognize
 its true character.”

Written By: Andrew Murray


“Temptation usually comes
 in through a door that has
 deliberately been left open.”
Written By: Arnold Glasow
“Sin wouldn’t be so attractive
 if the wages were paid
Unknown Author
“The Bible will keep you from sin,
or sin will keep you from the Bible.”
Written By D. L. Moody
“We have a strange illusion that mere time
 cancels sin. But mere time does nothing
 either to the fact or to the guilt of a sin.”
“Every uncorrected error and
 unrepented sin is, in its own right,
 a fountain of fresh error and
 fresh sin flowing on to the
 end of time.”
Written By: C.S, Lewis
“Prayerlessness is a sin.”
Written By: Corrie Ten Boom
“I have come to the conclusion that
 none of us in our generation feels
 as guilty about sin as we should
 or as our forefathers did.”
Written By: Francis Schaeffer
Sin is like Chocolate
Sin is like your favorite box of chocolates…
Each piece is a temptation…
Each piece is a beautiful, sweet confection
laying there just waiting for you to indulge
in its confectionery delights.  
You take one little nibble and love 
how it melts on your tongue….
it taste sweet, 
You take another nibble…..
even sweeter still….
You push the rest of that tasty sweet
chocolate morsel into your mouth….
and you devour it….
All seems right with the world…..UNTIL……
you slowly turn and there in front
of you sitting, oh so innocently, on the
counter top, is the remainder of that
 sweet tempting box of chocolates……
You have a decision to make….
indulge in another piece or
walk away….
The temptation is to eat one
piece after another….
The choice is yours to make….
Sin is just like that….
the devil dangles a morsel of
lust in front of us….
we think, it won’t hurt just to
chat with this person…
then one chat becomes
secret meetings….
then talking becomes kissing….
until that simple little nibble of
innocent talking turns into
a sin that devours the soul….
There are many kinds of sin…
the enemy knows what we
like, what is the right time
to dangle that sweet morsel
in front of us….
He is the master of deceit…
He is the master of lies…
He is the master of temptation….
He comes in like an angel of light….
And he is here to kill, steal and
destroy each of us….
physically, mentally, emotionally
financially, and most of all
His goal is to steal your soul for
all eternity.
Sin is sweet and wonderful for
a season…but then it becomes
a cancer that destroys a person.
The choice is yours and the
choice is mine each day.
Follow God or Follow the
author of deception.
Evg. Sherrill A. McDonald

Daily Prayer—Feb 16, 2015

Dearest Heavenly Father;
Today I want to lift up all my dear
brothers and sisters to You.
Lord, I pray that You bless those
that are facing legal battles to know
that You are with them.
Lord, I pray that those who are facing
severe financial difficulties
learn to lean on You for their provisions.
Lord, I pray for all those who are facing
health issues, I pray that they learn
that Jesus Christ is their healer.
Lord, I pray for all those who are
suffering with depression to be
delivered from the depths of despair.
Lord, may these post today reach the
precious saints that need to read
how You delivered me and my family
out of the hands of our enemies.
Lord, take these words that I have
written, flawed as they are…take them
and let them be used to encourage
and strengthen those who are suffering.
Lord, help Your children to face
the troubles of life and share them
as encouragement to others when
You deliver them from the enemy’s
attacks on their lives.
Thank You, God, for hearing my heart
Thank You for having my back.
Thank You for being my hero,
my comforter, my redeemer,
my champion, & my savior.
Thank You, God, for sending
Your angels to have charge over me.
Thank You for sending Your angels
to war in the heavenlies for me
and my family.
I know that I can do nothing without
You to help me,
strengthen me,
comfort me,
to guide me.
I will praise You, my Lord, all the days of my life.
I will share my life’s adventures and misadventures
with the world for Your glory, Lord Jesus.
May it bless all who learn of my journey with
You, Holy Father.
In Jesus Name I Pray
Amen and amen.


Devotion—Feb 16, 2015

Mercy, Grace & God’s Favor In Action

(Please forgive the length of this devotion….but it is very important for you to read it to the end….so you will be able to see God’s Mercy, Grace and Favor in Action—just because you are a Christian, or minister does not mean that you will not be attacked….all of us face trials in our lives)

Over the Holidays I was keeping my 
3 year old granddaughter for my 
oldest daughter. 
My daughter was having some 
personal difficulties and was
in the process of getting a new
place to live. 
She worked in the Metro area and 
needed me to watch the baby while 
she worked and looked for an 
I was to happy to indulge myself 
with the joys of keeping my 
sweet and precious grandangel 😀 
Come on grandmothers…you know 
what I am talking about…it is 
such a great joy to spend time
with the grand-kids 😀 amen 😀 
I had her through Thanksgiving 
and Christmas. 
One day right after Christmas,
out of the blue I receive 
a phone call…..from the 
Department of Human Services
Child Protective Services. of 
The Social Worker wanted to know
where my daughter was and where
the baby was. 
I was happy to share what I knew…
I had nothing to hide….
I told them I was watching the 
baby over the holidays while 
her mom worked and looked 
for a place to live….
Not a big deal….so I thought——
After the phone call, I started 
feeling in my spirit something 
really bad was about to happen…..
I couldn’t shake it…
I began to pray about it. 
I called my daughter, shared 
with her the details of the 
conversation that I just had with
I told her I needed to come 
get her and bring her home….
I felt an urgency in my spirit,
I can’t explain it better than
I knew I had to go get her
the very next day. 
So the next day, which was 
Saturday, I did just that—-
I had her call DHS-CPS the 
following Monday morning….
I just wanted them to hear from 
her directly, not take my word 
for it…
I had her call from my home 
phone number, not a cell
phone….that way there was 
proof where my daughter 
was calling from. 
We were able to clear that mess
The Social Worker was trying to
see if my daughter had abandoned
her daughter—-
Someone had turned her in to DHS!
After we answered all the questions
to the best of our ability, the Social
Worker seemed to be satisfied
that all was ok with the baby…
She took no further actions
against us. 
I continued to pray—-
Still uneasy in my spirit—
unsure what exactly to pray
for or against….
So I began quoting scriptures—
You get the idea. 
I prayed day and night…
I sought God all the way through 
this uneasy feeling in my spirit. 
I told my daughter….
something bad is going to happen 
soon—this is not over yet….. 
Just a few days after that phone call
we were trying to get ready to run
Showers, Breakfast, preparing to 
go to town for grocery shopping etc…
Just a normal, no big deal kind of day—
I had my praise music going—I was 
enjoying listening to Kim Walker-Smith
sing Glory Fall Down—-
When I hear Mistie burst through the 
bathroom door with a loud voice—-
Mom…I just got served papers and so 
did you!” 
From Who? 
Is this a joke? 
Then it hit me—–
God’s Holy Spirit flooded all over me—-
I hear in my spirit—-
Are you ready for battle?
I calmed my daughter down the best I 
could….read over the papers—saw who 
it was from and what it was about—
and then I knew that my daughter, 
my granddaughter and myself were
in danger of being separated permanently
and I was in danger of going to Federal Prison 
for the rest of my life or at least 20 years. 
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What am I suppose to do???
I have no money!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no way to get an attorney!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no way to fight this battle!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, God, help me and my family
overcome this attack!!!!!!!!!!!
all hit at once, like a ton of bricks falling
from the sky! 
I am not joking! 
I was scared!!!!!!
Then a peace beyond words flooded
my soul!!!
 (a person’s soul is the mind, will & emotions)
I began to pray. 
I began to worship.
I began to seek God’s guidance. 
My best friend came to help us through this. 
We spent a lot of time praying together.
By the way, we only had 2 weeks to 
get the money for an attorney.
Find and hire an attorney and prepare
for the hearing. 
Well in just days we went from being 
completely freaked out—
to women ready to go to war to protect
our baby angel!!!!!!!!!!!!
I continued to pray.
I continued to praise.
I continued to worship.
I continued to believe and trust 
in Almighty God’s promises
to never leave us nor forsake us! 
I continued to believe that God 
had my/our back! 
If God is for us, then this can 
not come against us permanently! 
A short back story—-to set the stage
for the truth to be revealed—
My daughter, had her child out of 
wedlock…(yes I pray for my prodigal
child daily)
the father never wanted the child—
did not want to be in the child’s life
on a regular basis—
Would tell everyone that my daughter
should have aborted the baby. 
He even said this while holding his 
newborn daughter….He said that 
he would not recant what he said…
she should have been aborted…
This fact always hurt me deeply. 
During the holidays last year 2014
 the baby’s biological
dad would come visit the baby
once a week at my home. 
I would invite him in just like a friend 
each and every time—
Except the week of the anniversary of 
the death of my youngest daughter
Crystal—which is the week of 
December 16 to December 22
the day she was killed and the day we 
buried her—
I do not invite anyone in my home
during this time of year. 
I use this time to honor my beautiful 
Crystal, remember her, and spend 
time with immediate family, only……
And so this leads us to the real weapon that was 
formed against my daughter and myself—-
My daughter was accused of abandoning her daughter. 
The authorities were lead to believe that my daughter
was a drug addict and left her child with me 
while she went on a drug binge….
UGH!!!!! So not true! 
The biological dad, who wanted the baby killed
before she was born, was accusing my daughter
of being an unfit mom.
He is taking her to court for full custody of the baby..
or split custody, where he would have her every
other weekend from Friday at 6 pm to Sunday
at 6 pm…
And SIX…yes 6 weeks in the summer!!!!!!!!!!!
And I was accused of KIDNAPPING MY GRAND-DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you Kidding me?
Is this some kind of joke? 
We were in shock!!!!!!!
I had always welcomed this person in
my home and treated him like one 
of my own kids.
All of this was because I wouldn’t let him come out to 
my home during the week of December 16-22, 2014.
He hired the attorney on December 22. 
What a slap in the face! 
When my friend got into town, we spent 
several days running errands for the ministry
and having some girl time 😀 it was just
what the doctor ordered to help deal with 
all the stress of this nightmare…..
On our way from taking care of business
we got stopped by a Sheriff’s Deputy…
I was driving my friend’s car and we had
just come from a big day of shopping and 
having a great dinner out….it was getting late
and we were tired…I was driving the speed
limit…but, I was trying to turn the headlights
off of bright and accidentally flipped them off
and on…..
So we got stopped…..
They were in the vehicle behind us for what 
seemed like forever….
Another police car showed up…
I thought they were there to take me to jail
and take the baby away from us…
Let me tell you how GREAT OUR GOD IS—
God gave us favor with the Sheriff’s Deputy…
She told us to go straight home and be careful. 
NOT A PROBLEM, that was where we were 
headed anyway….
The next day…
God provided us with the money to get an 
God provided us with an attorney.
God gave us favor with the judge…
He stopped the written orders to pick 
up our little angel by the Sheriff and taking 
her to her dad. 
So we were able to prepare for battle in the court 
room to save our little angel from a very bad situation.
We had the first hearing….
The Judge threw out the kidnapping charges! 
Oh yeah, baby….
I was so doing a happy dance 😀 amen 😀 
Glory be to God!!! 
The judge gave my daughter full custody
of her little angel. 
Another great big Glory be to God!!! amen:D
However…..the judge scheduled another hearing 
for March 11, 2015 for the visitation times to 
be decided. 
We had another great big huge oh yeah baby, God 
is on our side, moment during this hearing….
We ask for the father to have supervised 
visitation, only until the hearing in March….
And it was granted….
However, there is a catch…..There needed to 
be a qualified supervisor to do this…..
Well guess who volunteered to do this…..
You guessed it….
And the judge granted that as well 😀 
But it was still a victory that needed to be 
celebrated with praise to God! 
So every Sunday and Wednesday I have 
to invite my enemy into my home and 
bless him with food to eat and something 
His supervised visits are from 
10 am to 6 pm….8 solid hours….
Each day he is here ….it is very 
difficult to show kindness, 
love, forgiveness and hospitality 
to him, the enemy of 
my family. But that is what 
God’s word tells us to do…
if your enemy is thirsty, give him 
something to drink, 
if your enemy is hungry give him
something to eat…
God tells us to forgive 70 times 
7 a day….
To love our enemies…..
Do you Get the Picture? 
The battle is still waging….
the war has not been won
However, I know that Almighty God 
is on our side 😀 amen 😀 
I hope this testimony is a blessing to you today,
dear ones……
Because if it was not for God’s favor, mercy
and grace, we would not have won this 
And I would be in jail right now! 
Thank you all for your love, your friendship
and your prayers. I treasure each of you
in my heart ;D
Your prayers are extremely valued and 
so very needed! Thank you all once 
again precious saints 😀  
Evg. Sherrill A. McDonald 

Daily Quote—Feb 16, 2015

“Grace means undeserved kindness.
 It is the gift of God to man the moment
 he sees he is unworthy of God’s favor.”

 Written By: D. L. Moody


“Grace is the very opposite of merit…
 Grace is not only undeserved favor,
 but it is favor,
 shown to the one who has deserved
 the very opposite.”

Written By: Harry Ironside


“Grace expresses two complementary thoughts:
 God’s unmerited favor to us through Christ,
 and God’s divine assistance to us
 through the Holy Spirit.”

  “This is the secret of being content: 
To learn and accept that we live daily by 
God’s unmerited favor given through Christ,
 and that we can respond to any and
 every situation by His divine enablement
 through the Holy Spirit.”
Written By; Jerry Bridges
“Perhaps as you read the “ALL’s” of God in 
2 Corinthians 9:8, you might think of some
circumstances in your own life that seem
insurmountable. It’s true that  sometimes
simple, everyday things can loom so large 
that you feel caught up in a maze with no 
In times like these, remember—
Written By: Wanda K. Jones
“God can take our limited abilities and use
them for great purposes. The key is offering
up those abilities, feeble as they may be, 
to God. Then that insignificant thing in our
hand becomes the staff of God.”
“Trouble can be a stumbling block, 
or it can become your servant
and be a stepping stone.”
“I am learning to make troubles my servant. 
I am also learning to see situations that
challenge my ability as opportunities to see
God empower my feeble efforts. God does
 not challenge us without supplying His help.” 
 Written By: Tommy Barnett